
Copyright 2018. Brett Reed Presbyterian Church. All rights reserved.

Finance & Stewardship:

The Finance committee seeks to encourage the church membership to support the life and ministry of the church through faithful sharing of the resources with which God has blessed them. Specifically, we conduct a Stewardship program annually in October, and participate in the Joy Offering in December, and One Great Hour of Sharing during the Lenten season. If circumstances warrant, the Finance Committee also coordinates the church's response to natural and other disasters through the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance program.

Each participating member of the congregation receives an annual record of their faithfulness for tax purposes. The church does not currently offer PayPal or other electronic payment options, but would consider it if there were sufficient interest.

The Finance Committee is responsible for the preparation of the annual Operating and Capital budgets for approval by the Session. It also serves as the primary liaison with the Brett-Reed Foundation, Inc.